The world is becoming more digitalized with each passing year, so the people who can build, maintain and run our digital systems are in huge demand. Especially as more people work from home, having the digital infrastructure in place to enable remote work is vital. Let’s look at the most in-demand tech jobs in Japan, such as:

  1. Software development
  2. Data science
  3. Cyber security
  4. Cloud Solutions/Computing
  5. Fullstack development

Want a Tech Job in Japan?

The tech industry offers a lot of opportunities. Here are some things you should know:

1. Software Development

Software development code - a software developer is one of the most in-demand tech jobs in Japan

It is hard to imagine establishing or running a modern business without the need for tech. In fact, leading companies around the world base their entire business plan on software and the internet. With the recent shift to remote or hybrid work, one can imagine that this will not only remain the case but that demand will continue to grow. The minimum requirement for landing a software developer job is a bachelor’s degree in software development (although some companies will also accept a degree in any number of related fields), although a master’s degree would almost certainly ensure a higher salary.

2. Data Science

Data scientist - one of the most in-demand tech jobs in Japan.

The modern business world is data-driven – from stockholder meetings to marketing and accounting, there is an enormous amount of raw data being recorded and used on a daily basis, and the bigger the company, the more data there naturally is. That is where data scientists come in. They are people with a mind for both business and numbers, who are able to combine these two fields in order to analyze, organize, and ultimately make sense of masses of raw data.

Being able to dissect data and establish trends; answer questions or solve problems the company might have or simply present data to managers and/or stockholders is all in a day’s work for the data scientist. Everything from consumer trends to employee productivity – if there’s data, it’s their job to quantify it. As one might imagine, a number of skills are needed for this job, including programming, data analysis, and mathematical ability. At the very least, they are expected to hold a bachelor’s degree in either statistics, math, or computer science.

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3. Cyber Security

The need for securing our online activity has become crucial in the 21st century. Furthermore, many employees are now working with sensitive documents and data from home, making companies vulnerable to information leaks or theft. As more people become increasingly skilled with technology, cybercrime have increased and will likely continue to.

This means that businesses can face any number of threats. Not only are there opportunities for cyber security positions at most large companies, but there is also an increasing demand for new roles. Generally, companies require a bachelor’s degree in computer science. An additional certificate in the field is preferred as well. Of course, the more experience you have, the better.

4. Cloud Solutions/Computing

The demand for cloud computing and solutions has skyrocketed recently as many companies have implemented remote work. As an alternative to traditional data storage and computing power, cloud services are third parties that provide easy, simple, and inexpensive access to these two essentials. The only thing the user needs is a computer and internet access, which makes it very accessible and easy to work with. A degree in Computer Science and a recognized Cloud Computing certificate should be sufficient to get you a job in this field.

5. Fullstack Development

Full-stack development has become a bit of a buzzword in the tech world. Whereas a front-end developer is someone who is responsible for everything a website user sees and interacts with, and by contrast, a back-end developer deals with the hardware, servers, and databases behind that, a full-stack developer is able to do both. This means they are highly sought after.

A bachelor’s degree in Computer Science and literacy in programming languages such as CSS, JavaScript, or HTML are essential. If it seems similar to software development, that’s because there is a definite overlap. However, a software developer is arguably more detail-oriented, focusing on specific functions of the software. They also tend to work alone.

A full-stack developer, by contrast, is a sort of tech handyman who can do essentially everything. In addition to a degree, many aspiring developers also finish a coding bootcamp.

Looking for a Tech Job in Japan?

Look no further than Inbound Technology. One of our knowledgeable career advisors are standing by here. We’re also on LinkedIn.